January 24, 2021 https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/012421.cfm If you ever visit the city of Venice in Italy, you will see a peculiar sight. Flying from flag poles all over the city, is a red and yellow flag with a huge image of a winged lion holding a book in its paw. As it turns out, this is the flag of Veneto, the province that Venice is in. The lion represents St. Mark, the evangelist who wrote the second Gospel. You see, twelve hundred years ago, a group of clever and crafty Venetians travelled to Alexandria in Egypt. Once there, they stole the body of St. Mark and snuck his remains away in a barrel covered in produce and took him back to Venice. Then the Doge of Venice built a giant, glorious basilica called, of course, “St Mark’s” with an altar over his remains, and the city has showed off their great Christian pedigree by flying their St. Mark flag everywhere. And they t...