Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B July 10/11, 2021 Last April, I got to serve at the Confirmation mass for our 8 th graders at the Cathedral. During the sacrament of Confirmation, I stood next to the archbishop while he led the rite. I had the very special and Covid-specific job of wiping the oil off his thumb between 8 th graders. That position gave me a really privileged view of each of these young people as they came forward to be anointed and blessed. Each one stepped forward, greeted the archbishop with their sponsor’s hand on their shoulder and told him what name they wished to be called—which saint the had selected for their patron. The archbishop called them by their new name, used the oil in the shape of a cross on their forehead, and said, “be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” There were a large number of “Sebastians” (he’s the patron saint of athletes). And...