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Showing posts from August, 2021

Jesus' Hard Sayings

                          Jesus’ Hard Sayings  Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle B  August 19/20, 2021 Good morning / afternoon, St. Agnes. It’s been a long first full week of classes for me—and I am sure for all of you who are parents, teachers, and students. I just started my 17th year as a teacher. [This is my first at Assumption High School where I teach Theology]. I have been reflecting this month on an early experience I had as a student teacher preparing for my first classroom. I was up at the University of Notre Dame in an Education class. The professor was legendary educator named Dr. Thomas Doyle who everyone called “Doc.” He grouped all of us student-teachers by subject matter around tables. So, I was working on a problem with several other new Theology teachers when Doc came to talk to us. He said something I’ll never forget: “You The...